What is the difference between renovating and remodeling?

When you're renovating your house or part of it, you're creating more space. Remodeling is much more profound than renovations, since it involves restructuring or changing something drastically.

What is the difference between renovating and remodeling?

When you're renovating your house or part of it, you're creating more space.


is much more profound than renovations, since it involves restructuring or changing something drastically. For example, adding a shower to a bathroom that didn't have one before would be remodeling. Another example would be to build a deck or add an addition to your house.

These are larger projects that can dramatically affect the structure or utility of the room. These should always be left to professionals. A remodel changes the structure of a room or building. It is more extensive than a renovation and often requires architects, installers and engineers.

You can see why these terms confuse people, considering that many people would say they are remodeling a room when in fact they are renovating. While remodeling is more expensive than most renovation projects, it's simply unavoidable under certain circumstances, especially when you're building your dream home. Many people use the terms renovate and remodel interchangeably when they talk about updating their homes. The renovation may include new floors and, if any problems, such as water leaks, are corrected, it can still be include in a renewal.

Renovation and remodeling may have different prices, requirements and take different periods of time. We explain the key differences between remodeling and renovation so you can make the right decision for your equipment project. You've probably seen a lot of construction and design websites talk about remodeling and renovation, but you probably think that these terms are interchangeable. In the case of a renovation, the pipes and walls remain in place and the general purpose and design of the room are the same.

Renovations tend to be cheaper, as the foundation and structure are generally maintained or only minor changes are made to them. If you only want to make aesthetic changes and the structure of your space is good, renovation is the best option. Renovation and remodeling are two drastically different types of home design projects, but both can be useful in creating the home of your dreams. Renovation generally requires less time and money, although it depends on how large the project is.

Because renovation usually costs less and because it involves repairing and updating the basic features of a home, homeowners often see a better ROI on renovation projects than on remodeling projects when they sell their home. A renovation involves updating an existing structure with aesthetic changes, while a remodel involves changing the structure through demolition and construction, explains Jason Larson, founder and president of Lars Remodeling & Design in San Diego, California.

Leah Black
Leah Black

Avid beer trailblazer. Award-winning tv lover. Friendly food junkie. Award-winning pop culture fanatic. Infuriatingly humble tv ninja. Avid bacon lover.

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