What's the difference between renovated and updated?

New paint and carpet are not equivalent to either term. This is rather “refreshed”.

What's the difference between renovated and updated?

New paint and carpet are not equivalent to either term. This is rather “refreshed”. I swear I'm not a grammatical Nazi. But today I want to clarify two words that we constantly use in the real estate sector. What's the difference between “remodeled” and “renovated” and why is it important to the valuation process? You can still use phrases like “cream puff” while remaining precise in your use of “remodeled” or “renewed”.

As you said, cabinets alone can change the entire appearance of a kitchen, they can be a time- and cost-saving option for homeowners. However, the new cabinets and lights will certainly give it a fresh look. Technically, a renovation and a remodel are defined differently. While a remodel changes the shape of something (like adding a new shower to an existing bathroom), a renovation focuses more on restoring something old so that it's in good shape (for example, fixing a creaking floor).

Renewing is refreshing or restoring something old to make it look new. Basically, renovations can change the appearance of a room, but not its intended function. Therefore, most of the updates you can make will be cosmetic. This can be as simple as repainting a room, changing the floor, changing the lamps, and more.

Renovation is often a little easier to do yourself than remodeling. However, more extensive or labor-intensive projects, such as repaving, must still be done by professionals. Even having to dispose of any waste or garbage in a dumpster can be labor-intensive. Because less money is invested in the initial part of the project, renovation often has a higher return on investment (ROI) than remodeling.

If you're buying a house because you fall in love with the floor plan but can't wait to remove the outdated wallpaper, it's time to do a renovation. You can still use phrases like “cream puff” while remaining precise in your use of “remodeled” or “renewed”. If your goal is to make money with your renovation or remodeling, remember that most upgrades aren't cost-effective. Renovation and remodeling are two drastically different types of home design projects, but both can be useful in creating the home of your dreams. Plus, once the structural changes are made, you'll still have to pay for new finishes and accessories, so you'll basically have to pay to remodel and then renovate.

It is true that this is a fairly old publication, but it clarifies that remodeling changes things more drastically than simply updating or renovating. Homeowners can save a lot of money if they do the work themselves, another reason why renovations done by yourself have a higher return on investment than remodeling jobs that require a contractor. Both DIYers and professionals seem to rotate between renovating, remodeling, and even changing their minds when describing their projects. That's because most renovation tasks (painting, installing floors, renovating cabinets, and swapping lamps) can be done even by beginning DIYers.

Renovation and remodeling may have different prices and requirements and take different periods of time. If you're planning a large remodel involving many different surfaces and systems, a general contractor is your best option.

Leah Black
Leah Black

Avid beer trailblazer. Award-winning tv lover. Friendly food junkie. Award-winning pop culture fanatic. Infuriatingly humble tv ninja. Avid bacon lover.

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